Changing jobs can be stressful. Whether you have set out to find your next opportunity or the decision was made suddenly for you, seeking financial guidance from a wealth advisor may be the last thing on your mind. Here are three reasons why now is the perfect time to be meeting with your financial advisor.

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Defining a Strategy Moves You Forward

Your instincts may be to focus on the near-term. Your financial advisor can help guide you toward big picture thinking, gathering your objectives, near and long-term, considering your current assets, savings, and goals to bring your options into focus. With a financial plan in place, you can rest assured that you’re still working toward your goal, no matter what happens along the way.

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Evaluating Stock Options and Concentrated Positions

If you’re parting ways with a company where your compensation included stock options, grants and/or RSUs, your advisor can provide financial guidance on executing transactions, reducing concentrated positions, tax planning and more. The same holds true if you’re considering a new job where stock is part of the offer.

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Modeling Options for Your Next Move

We help clients discover and optimize the choices they make during the various chapters of their careers, partnering to build a roadmap for a financial future the brings clarity and confidence in what’s next. A deliberate financial strategy helps you stay on a path toward your goals. For some, that goal is to get to “work optional”. With proper financial planning, we’ve had clients realize they’ve reached that goal and can comfortably choose another path or passion for their next career move.

Here’s one example of how we helped with a career move.

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We Can Help

Let us be your trusted partner to guide you on steps to achieve your goals, so that you can focus on a new job, start that business, or devote time to your passion.

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