Cynthia Duncan

Senior Financial Advisor

About Cynthia

Cynthia is a Senior Financial Advisor at Summitry. She primarily works with the Private Client Group, advising clients on their financial affairs, helping them articulate their financial goals, and seeing to it that the resources of the firm are marshaled to serve their interests.

Prior to joining Summitry, Cynthia earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Santa Clara University. She brings decades of financial advisory experience to the firm having started in the industry in 1992. She began her career with The Portola Group in Menlo Park and then spent 11 years at Charles Schwab, holding various roles within the company, providing investment guidance, and serving as Vice President & Branch Manager. Following her time at Charles Schwab, she was a Branch Manager for Citibank, where she had the overall responsibility for aligning branch staff to provide a superior client experience and deliver business results. Cynthia joined Summitry in 2005.

Cynthia currently resides in San Jose with her husband, Matthew, and their three children.

Q & A

  • What drew you to the Bay Area?

    Growing up in Seattle, I relished the blue skies of the summer months. When looking at colleges, I was immediately drawn to the palm trees at Santa Clara University. This spoke “California” to me, which meant sunshine.
  • If you volunteer for a charity, which one(s) and why?

    I am proud to have served on Summitry’s Philanthropy Committee since its inception. It is important to step away from the wealth that surrounds us to feel gratitude for what we have and take action to help those who are not as fortunate. The firm donates a portion of its profits to help the community and we donate time to local organizations.
  • Describe a personal characteristic that makes you well-suited to help our clients.

    There is no better teacher than direct experience. I have personally lived through many financial chapters – buying a house, starting a family, raising a family, saving for college, saving for retirement, and aging parents. It has been my life’s work to help individuals and families navigate their own financial chapters. There is a confidence and temperament around the process that has been built over time and an appreciation for the uniqueness of each individual’s journey. Not to mention investing through the biggest boom (tech bubble) and bust (financial crisis) in history!
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